Wednesday, December 26, 2012

History Comes Alive

There isn't much shade in the Centro Historico area of Mexico City. In fact, unless you are walking next to a building on the correct side to catch a shadow, or along one of the beautiful side streets, it would be more accurate to say there is no shade. If you are not careful, the sun will get you before you know it because the overwhelming nature of the centuries colliding and the beauty and majesty of the history and culture will not remind you to check your time in the sun. You can visit the archeological dig that is unearthing centuries of Aztec presence, (they still exist and worship in the square today) just steps from a gorgeous Spanish Colonial church where a present day service is in full swing, and then walk across to Palacio Nacional where they celebrate the works of both classic and modern artists alongside rooms named after the likes of Benito Juárez, and where modern day military guard the space in combat camouflage ready to fight the Narco War. Along the side streets, we chose to recover from and relive the day having a meal in a 500 year old Spanish building. Yes, the wood beams have multiple repairs from the damage inflicted by centuries of earthquakes, but it has lasted this long....and besides, it is so beautiful. A little opera from the balcony outside while you wait to enter sets to mood perfectly.

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