Monday, April 1, 2013

Culture, culture, everywhere

     Firstly, let me apologize for my long absence from posting. I heard from some of you with concern as to my well-being. I can assure my devoted blog fans, all two of you, that I am alive and well, and living la buena vida in Mexico City.
     The last couple of months have been filled with wonderful sites, sounds, and experiences galore. Because I am Head Librarian in an International school, we celebrate many of the world's holidays, and have opportunities to see many wonderful cultural events for free right in our own back yard. For Chinese New Year, we had a dragon perform during lunch one day.

And then, for World Languages Day, we had a performance from a local group who are from an area of Mexico where they still speak some very ancient local dialects. They came in costume, and performed and sang in their native language. It really was quite wonderful.

     A little closer to home, I may have mentioned the beautiful park that is right across from our apartment. There is always something going on there, and recently we had a great concert featuring musicians from the local version of Julliard performing for National Women's Day.
     One of the cooler things we've seen was actually a sales pitch. There is a new Argentinian restaurant in the neighborhood, and we got to see some really terrific Tango dancers in the park every day for about a week promoting the restaurant. It really was cool, and we are totally sold. We will be visiting that restaurant soon.

     And finally, I don't know if this falls under culture, art, or craft, but it is completely indicative of what life is like every day here in the D.F. One day while walking through the metro station, I noticed a lot of clowns. That's right, I said clowns. Clowns in full make-up and costume. They didn't seem to be promoting or selling anything, and they weren't performing. They were just hanging out. A couple were smoking cigarettes, and some were talking to people who weren't of the clown persuasion, but mostly they were just making me smile. I hope they make you smile, too. ¡Hasta Luego!

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