Saturday, August 25, 2012

All Schools Should Be This Beautiful

     Some of these photos were taken in the dark on my way inside, and so I apologize for the quality. This school is gorgeous, well-funded, well-staffed, and has a rigorous and effective curriculum. Teachers have ample planning time and support, they are encouraged to take part in quality professional development that is fully funded by the school, and for which there is release time from duties. The facility strives to have state of the art centers for art, libraries, athletics, and no one doubts that all of the pieces are necessary to create a globally competitive school that sends students to Yale and Harvard, and that helps create quality human beings that will be the world's future leaders. Imagine a world where every country placed that kind of importance on education, and actually put their money where their mouths were. So to all the teachers who were on their knees scrubbing and painting with supplies they furnished themselves on the days before their contracts actually began so that their classrooms and libraries would be ready for students, I thought of you all fondly as I watched paid painters, carpenters and gardeners beautify my new space. I will never really leave you, and I will always sing your praises. Someday... yes, someday.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Walk in the Neighborhood

     Finally, I felt comfortable enough with directions and my area to take a camera with me as I went to the local street market last week-end. I thought I would document some of the beauty, architecture and vibrant activity that is so cool in Mexico City. I didn't buy anything, but I finally have a tiny handle on the money. You know, would it be too much to ask that my high school and college Spanish teachers had started the whole money thing with $100 instead of $1? I mean really, didn't they realize that with the exchange rate- 100 pesos equals less than $10 US dollars? Veinte (20- nearly the top of what I remembered) pesos buys nothing! But now I have it down (sort of). Doscientos is under $20, and as long as I go nowhere without a pad and pen, I'm good. Yup, 200 looks just like 200 no matter how you say it.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Water, water, everywhere...

     Here's one reason why Mexico City is good for your soul. You learn to appreciate things you have taken for granted all your life. Yesterday, the water delivery guy came. Three giant jugs of drinking water were waiting in the foyer of my apartment when I got home from work, and I swear I heard a choir of angels sing! And then today, the maid came, and this tiny, wonderful woman lifted that 30 litre jug up to shoulder height (hers, not mine) and installed it onto my recently purchase counter top water dispenser. What does one say? Gracias hardly seems adequate. I just stood there in aw. I'm not sure I will ever be able to replicate the act without taking a small bath in my drinking water. The next time you turn on a tap for a drink of water, think of me and stop to appreciate the little things in life.